Leaf Templates Are Here

With the release of 0.3.0 comes an experimental new feature of leaf templates. This new template will power virtual directories in your markdown book that contain only entries.

New Topic Setting

  • leaf_template

    This is very similar to the template setting for templates; however, instead of working with a single entry it uses a collection of entries. These can be iterated through. Below is an example leaf template:

    # {{path}}
    {{#each entries}}
      - [{{this.meta.title}}](/{{this.virtual_path}})

    This demonstrates the data available for this template. It is provided a path which is the virtual path for the README index being generated. It also receives entries which can be iterated over. Any of the variables collected can be accessed under the meta keyword. Here is a full list of the current available data points as of 0.3.0:

    • topic : The string name of the topic this entry belongs to
    • created_at : string serialized to a string in rfc3339 format
    • file_loc : full file path of the entry on disk
    • virtual_path : relative path from the root of the markdown book
    • meta : hash of all variables for the entry
    • content : full string content of the entry